How time flies…

I remember a conversation from a long long time ago..

It went like this…

Friend: “I’m supposed to be working on a script, but I haven’t done anything yet… arrgghhh..How about you? Working on anything new?”

Me: “Well, I kind of finished the work I was supposed to do, so…”

Friend: “Good for you…”

Me: : “How come you haven’t done yours yet?”

Friend: (sheepishly arrogant)  ” I was busy living… ya’know… ”

Me: Oh, ok…alright.. whatever…

I bring this up to contend an issue.

Dare I give this as an excuse and prologue to what I write today?

Dare I say that I was busy living and therefore had no time–whatsoever– to open my WordPress blog up to the point that I kind of logged in the wrong User ID twice?

Dare I excuse my crime by pleading the worst kind of excuse…

“I was busy living”?!!!

Shall I dig my own grave then, by doing so?

I used to ask myself, “What my friend, does it mean to live to the fullest?” I had some very popular notions and I was reckless in proclaiming them when I was at a younger age.  I was a little like, St. Francis of Assisi, for those coming from the fervently Catholic denominations but  for those whose taste run more along the,… well, gutter, I guess, I was also like Britney Spears who reflect the essence of the word “radically challenged” which is really just a politically correct way of saying foolish.  I have been known  to also make a lot of rash or radical decisions before.

So my excuse won’t be that I was busy living.  I guess, I was just distracted. It’s good to be distracted at times right?   It brings things into focus after some time has passed.

And so here I am again, in front of my writing tablet.

I’ll let you in on my distractions by and by…

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